Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another codes of Add, Subtract, Divide, Multiply in Assemble

.model small
.stack 256h

CR equ 13d
lf equ 10d
A equ 'A'
S equ 'S'
M equ 'M'
D equ 'D'

addition db CR,LF,'[A]dd$'
subtraction db CR,LF,'[S]ub$'
multiplication db CR,LF,'[M]ul$'
divide db CR,LF,'[D]iv$'

msg db CR, LF, 'Enter your choice:$'

msg1 db CR, LF, 'Enter first number:$'
msg2 db CR, LF, 'Enter the second number:$'

msg3 db CR, LF, 'Enter first number:$'
msg4 db CR, LF, 'Enter the second number:$'

msg5 db CR, LF, 'Enter first number:$'
msg6 db CR, LF, 'Enter the second number:$'

msg7 db CR, LF, 'Enter first number:$'
msg8 db CR, LF, 'Enter the second number:$'

sum db CR, LF, 'The answer is:$'
diff db CR, LF, 'The answer is:$'
mult db CR, LF, 'The answer is:$'
dive db CR, LF, 'The answer is:$'

num1 dw ?
num2 dw ?

num3 dw ?
num4 dw ?

num5 dw ?
num6 dw ?

num7 dw ?
num8 dw ?



mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

mov ax, offset addition
call put_string

mov ax, offset subtraction
call put_string
mov ax, offset subtraction
call put_string

mov ax, offset multiplication
call put_string

mov ax, offset divide
call put_string

mov ax, offset msg
call put_string

mov ah,1h
int 21h

mov bl,al

cmp bl,'A'
jne is_not_S

mov ax, offset msg1
call put_string
call get_num
mov num1, ax

mov ax, offset msg2
call put_string
call get_num

mov num2, ax

mov ax, offset sum
call put_string

mov ax, num1
add ax, num2
call put_num
jmp finish


mov ax, offset msg3
call put_string
call get_num

mov num3, ax

mov ax, offset msg4
call put_string
call get_num

mov num4, ax

mov ax, offset diff
call put_string

mov ax, num3
sub ax, num4
call put_num

jmp finish

cmp bl,'M'


mov ax, offset msg5
call put_string
call get_num

mov num5, ax

mov ax, offset msg6
call put_string
call get_num

mov num6, ax

mov ax, offset mult
call put_string

mov ax, num5
mul ax, num6
call put_num

jmp finish


mov ax, offset msg7
call put_string
call get_num

mov num7, ax

mov ax, offset msg8
call put_string
call get_num

mov num8, ax

mov ax, offset dive
call put_string

mov ax, num7
div ax, num8
call put_num

jmp finish

mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h

mov dx, ax
mov ah, 9h
int 21h

mov ah, 1h
int 21h

mov dl,al
mov ah, 2h
int 21h

push bx
push cx
push dx

mov dx, 1
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 0
call get_char
cmp al, ' '
jne newline
mov dx, -1
call get_char

push dx
cmp al, 13
je fin_read
sub al, '0'
mov bl, al
mov ax, 10
mul cx
mov cx, ax
add cx, bx
call get_char

cmp al, 13
je fin_read
sub al, '0'
mov bl, al
mov ax, 10
mul cx
mov cx, ax
add cx, bx
call get_char
jmp read_loop

mov ax, cx
pop dx
cmp dx, 1
je fin_getn
neg ax

pop dx
pop cx
pop bx

push bx
push cx
push dx

mov dx, 0
push dx
mov cx,10
cmp ax, 0
jge calc_digits
neg ax
push ax
mov al, ' '
call put_char
pop ax


div cx
add dx, '0'
push dx
mov dx, 0
cmp ax, 0
jne calc_digits

pop ax
cmp ax, 0
je end_display_loop
call put_char
jmp display_loop

pop dx
pop cx
pop bx

end start

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